The SM QUATTRO microprocessor-based datalogger with up to 12 fully sealed plug-in PT100 platinum film sensors suitable for air or liquid temperatures and uses the novel approach of a logging and filing system, which allows the data of any day in its history to be read and examined with just a few key presses.
The large graphics LCD display communicates the information to the user with clarity, making programming and setting-up friendly and uncomplicated, without compromising its sophistication and digital accuracy.

SM Quattro Datalogger
- Datalogger with automatic filing by date - also able to be directly printed to paper as required.
- 50-year clock/calendar for datalogger filing.
- The temperature from each Channel is logged and stored to long-term internal memory which can be visually displayed or downloaded continually or whenever required.
- 'Percentage of internal databank used' indication in bar graph and digital form.
- 'Internal databank 98% full' indication to transfer contents to appropriate media.
- Temperature range: +50°C / -50°C Standard (Extended range available).
- Power Supply 220 - 240v ac Mains.
- Contents of internal databank can be transferred directly to the PC using the MASTERLINK Software or via a MASTERLINK 2.0 Hardware module to a PC at a remote site, but can also go straight to a paper printer.
- IP 55 sealed enclosure.
- Complies with EU EMC 89/336/EEC directive.
Alarm Functions
- 2-Stage high and low level alarms with mute and reset facilities:
- Stage I temperature threshold with trigger delay.
- Stage 2 limit temperature with immediate trigger.
- Status -window for system fault indication.
- Diagnostics screen revealing system parameters.
- Alarm history record for low alarm, high alarm and power fail.
- Alarm relay for external device.
- Battery back-up for power-fail operation.
- Door open alarm - with timer