Temperature Mapping/Survey
We provide a temperature mapping Service to comply with MHRA requirements

Walk-in Fridge
The mapping would be for a period of not less than 24 hours, but this can be longer for larger fridges and walkins. it would be a minimum of three points for larger fridges with one at the centre, one at the top and one at the bottom. Larger fridges or walk-ins will need more probes up to a maximum of nine.
The graphs produced by the mapping exercise should be compared to the normal chart of the same period so that correlation can be demonstrated. With the correct number of probes, this will ascertain whether there are any hot and/or cold spots within the bank.
The quantity and type of product in the bank should also be noted for inclusion on the temperature graph. Calibration of the mapping probes will be +/- 0.5° C or better. The frequency of the logging temperature will be less than five minutes. The results of this mapping will be returned in a bound folder, complete with a report on each fridge and the necessary temperature graphs. There will also be a drawing, for future records, of exactly where the probes have been placed and UKAS traceability for loggers used
We can also supply and fit ACTION ALARMS for any type or size of blood bank. The probes for these alarm monitors will be supplied in a 200 ml capacity container. The alarm unit will have trigger points of 2° C and 6" C, with a probe calibration tolerance of better than +1- 0.5° C. These alarms will not have a time delay. They will operate as soon as the core temperature is out of specification.
The sampling period of the probes will be no more than five minutes, and these alarms will need manual acknowledgement by key switch as they do not reset automatically when the temperature" returns to within tolerance. This alarm time, and the duration of the time the blood is out of specification, will also be stored in the monitor(s) memory.
It is possible that these action alarm monitors, due to their large internal memories could be used as the primary system for monitoring the temperature on the blood bank, or indeed connected directly to your PC, and downloaded to your hard-drive and hospital servers.
The air alarms can be treated as an alert alarm. These can be checked at 2° and 8°. These alarms can have a delay on them if required.
As well as carrying out the above mapping and action alarms, we can offer the routine periodic calibration of your existing monitors, again traceable to UKAS standards.
A full range of charts and pens are always available for immediate despatch.